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The most innovative company in the world since 1948

We shaped the future, so you don’t have to


Purchase all Cyberfox products ever created

  • $250,000 - Retro (throwback edition)

    $355,00- 2240 Edition

    Purchase the new and improved CyberFoxTvs, that could broadcast colors like never before. And, with the CyberFox Genetic Implant, it could calculate the best autofocus of your eyes so every pixel will maximize its fullest potential of hyperrealistic saturation, brightness, and sight. So when seeing is more than just believing.

    Of course, if you're feeling nostalgic for the years of the 20th century, then the CyberfoxTV Retro has you covered. With attention to detail, we created an exact replica of what was sold all the way back in the late 1940s, the first iteration of its kind. Including the now useless VHS compartment, RCA cable plug in, and a cathode-ray tube screen. Truly, a flashback like no other.

  • FREE* - genetic implant v4

    The computer revolutionized the 20th century, handheld devices revolutionized the early 21st century. And then assist devices were born. With the Genetic Implant, there was no longer a need for cellular handheld devices. Messages, calls, the web, enhanced life spans, hyperfocus on any body part, and help with self-automated care, the cybergenetic implant is a MUST NEED (and required in Cybercity). And with the low low price of...FREE? All this could be yours. Visit the nearest Implant Center, and in less than an hour, you can be part of the system!

    *All Cyberfox Genetic Implant upgrades or purchase of a second for replacements or other uses by the same individual will cost around $1.1million.

  • $5,900,000 - cyberfoxchamber

    The Cyberfoxchambers is our most valued product to help skip to the good part. We realize that sometimes, instead of just talking about the future, we'd like to experience it. So why not now? Freeze yourself in a magnetic carbon-friction freeze chamber, to freeze, breathe, and eventually, come back freed.

    And we'll continue to shape your future, so you don't have to.

  • $12,000 - CyberFoX Spherule spherical ball

    The Spherule revolutionized sport as we know it. From the likes of Jesi Limno to Santiago Phil, be one of the best with a glow Spherule spherical ball.

  • $712,000 - computer v3

    Helped revolutionize technology back in the 1940’s and helped push and centralize all advances in technology. The cyberfox computer can help all your needs by helping sync and centeralize all cyberfox products in technolgies into one system. You could alter, create and instantly achive almost anything your cyber genetic heart desires.

  • $119,000 - Cyberfox Doors

    The Cyberfox Door comes with many included features. Some of these may be a 24/7 feed being broadcasted to your implant and will notify you of any danger (even waking you up). There is also a face recognition scan to get in and out. But to also recognize any unrecognizable foes. We'll know who they are with our database and alert you or cyberfox authorities immediately. There is also an implant insertion if it's absolutely needed in must-need emergency. With the double structured armed reinforced Cyberfox doors, nobody is getting in, but will open flawlessly with your command.

    With added attachments of hazards including an electrical shock through the unknown visitors genetic implant impairing them for a few seconds

    * All CyberFox Security Attachments shown in photo

  • $599,000 - CyberFox holograms (small)

    $899,000 - CyberFox holograms (medium)

    $1,000,000+ - CyberFox holograms (large)

    Want to broadcast yourself, your advertisement to the world, or just a small video to watch instead of on your tv? Would you like to interact with the 3d space and click on thin air as if it were a touch screen? Well the cyberfox hologram can fit all your needs. Revolutionizing C2 as we love it today, this product will single handedly change your life forever.

  • $20,000,000 - CyberFox HoverVehicles (Transition)

    From a fast-powered Cyberfox engine on land and magnetic jet-propelled transition in the air, the cyberfox hovervehicle is not a system you want to mess with. Auto pilot to any location, at a speed of up to 340 mph to get to any destination feeling like the speed of light.

    And with the new update hovervehicles "Metallic coating", ride high, and shine bright.

  • $299,000 - cyberfox headset v2

    The Cyberfox headset helped advance our brand from just indoor products to an anywhere product. The Cyberfox headset, helps enhance your eyes, assisting the Cyberfox genetic implant, and creating an artificial reality of your imagination. Just think about anything, and your eyesight will take center stage. And with the latest iteration, customizable visor colors could help emphasize who you, really are.

  • $599,000 - cyberfox computer

    With a Cyberfox window, having a neon laser exterior protective glass is not only stylish but protective. View the world, with safety coming first. And if it's time for bed, the Cyberfox window can camouflage the window into looking like a seamless connection of its surrounding four points of contact, so that nobody knows where you are, while removing the neons all together, inside out. And you can sleep peacefully knowing your safe under Cyberfox windows.

  • $199,000 - CyberFox holonature (small)

    $269,000 - CyberFox holonature (medium)

    $499,000+ - CyberFox holonature (large)

    We all yearn for that nostalgic feel of what a tree or even tall grass may be. With a “CyberFoX Holonature”, we can recreate wildlife as we once knew it. Create a bright green, interactive grass lawn, or a cherry wood tree that shifts its colors to the supposed seasons. Or just change it to whatever you'd like. With over 200,0000 choices to choose from, the difference between the real deal is almost nonexistent!

  • $269,000 - Cyberfox Reflect mirrors

    By pure thought, the newest technology that has spawned out of CyberfoX is the Reflect Mirror. With the CyberFoX Reflect Mirror, being alone just got a whole new meaning!

    With the new device, you could reflect, create, and imprint a virtual recreation of yourself. From looks to personality. Then, with a virtual you, you can chat, share and even create new memories with yourself, others, and their virutal Reflects as well!

Welcome to now.

Stay up to date

CyberSecurity has allowed for zero Faction-induced deaths in the Cyberfox Center since 2007.

CyberSecurity has allowed for zero Faction-induced deaths in the Cyberfox Center since 2007.

Can CyberCity Expand? Talks of expanding the border and helping the rising problem of citizens seem unlikely, yet you shouldn’t rule it out yet.

Can CyberCity Expand? Talks of expanding the border and helping the rising problem of citizens seem unlikely, yet you shouldn’t rule it out yet.

CyberFox announces the first CyberfoxChamber is anticipated to be unsealed on an unannounced upcoming date that originated from 2007.

CyberFox announces the first CyberfoxChamber is anticipated to be unsealed on an unannounced upcoming date that originated from 2007.

The average CyberCity Citizen's life is 188.4 (with a 0.1 difference in genders). But CyberFox predicts it may be on the rise to over 190 by the end of this year, for all ages.

The average CyberCity Citizen's life is 188.4 (with a 0.1 difference in genders). But CyberFox predicts it may be on the rise to over 190 by the end of this year, for all ages.

Members from the Black Faction have been found located inside the inner circle. They have been detained. Further information will be followed soon.

Members from the Black Faction have been found located inside the inner circle. They have been detained. Further information will be followed soon.

Two new Implant Centers should begin construction on July 20th. One will be located in the outer circle, in which a Center hasn’t been built since 2122, more than 100 years ago.

Two new Implant Centers should begin construction on July 20th. One will be located in the outer circle, in which a Center hasn’t been built since 2122, more than 100 years ago.

Over 2 million CyberMirrors have been sold and rising. The flexibility on what you could display has helped skyrocket the popularity of its expansion. Rumors on a new update may be coming soon.

Over 2 million CyberMirrors have been sold and rising. The flexibility on what you could display has helped skyrocket the popularity of its expansion. Rumors on a new update may be coming soon.

We’ve all known The Cyberfox Headquarters core has acted as a sun since 2070, shining rays and helping power every CyberFox electronics. But when will the smog outside the dome clear up?

We’ve all known The Cyberfox Headquarters core has acted as a sun since 2070, shining rays and helping power every CyberFox electronics. But when will the smog outside the dome clear up?

Any markets in the CyberFox Center will be required to have a Foxi mascot by the end of this year. Any other markets outside of the Center can also be sponsored by CyverFox and will be supported financially with an increase of capital by +20%

Any markets in the CyberFox Center will be required to have a Foxi mascot by the end of this year. Any other markets outside of the Center can also be sponsored by CyverFox and will be supported financially with an increase of capital by +20%

More minutely news can be found near any holonature or hologram billboards in cybercity

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