About cyberfox

we are a tech company that does just about everything. Need the highest technology the present has to offer? Check. Want to live longer? Check. Want to live in a paradise? check. want the safest security? check.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. this is our mentality of what we strive for in CyberFoX.

Whatever life throws at us, we adapt and evolve to not just help us, but to help all of you. But then, why just make lemonade, when we can try to make lemons too, removing life from the equation? You see, many may not know that lemons were not given by life, but indeed man-made. Crossbreeding with a citron and an orange, we controlled the outcome of how tasty that lemonade was. And when you control the lemon, you help control the evolution of life. So in reality, “When CyberFoX gives you a better life, you take it!”

Whats cyberfox?

our tenth and longest iteration of cyberfox, cyberfox Version.x grants us the largest and most powerful network, technology, and climb to help us shape the future, so you don’t have to

cyberfox has been running since 1948, and since then, a large burst of technological advances has happened at the hands of cyberfox. Cyberfox, once a company solely focused on computers, has now reached global worldwide use. With our most widely known feature being wireless technologies that can last without every needing a constant energy connection, it has stayed one of a kind and definitely revolutionized our products and the plugless c2.

Because we aren’t just a tech company anymore. We’re a life company. a life waiting just for you.

Did you know? 89% of the country uses at least one cyberfox product? in c2, 100% of all the citizens use a cyberox product

What to expect with cyberfox version


With cyberfox version x (our tenth version), you could expect everything to be running on our operating systems, especially in cybercity. As well as no electric costs, and the state of the art technology including:

  • Cyberfox introduces the new “Reflect Mirrors” that can, customize, visualize, and recreate a digital you. So you don’t ever have to be alone.

  • continuing to have our Wireless and plugless devices that are so widely connected to our name since the start

  • The “CyberFox Genetic Implant v4™” Gets a system upgrade so it could continue to run smoothly.

  • 12k hologram and holonature with smoother 360 turn and interaction motion

  • cyberfox security continues to push new grounds in safety inside c2 as well as in our products. New sensory vision will be updated to our cyberfox doors and windows.

  • and more coming soon, with the newest and old tech, always being supported and run by cyberfox Ver.X !

Whos Foxi?

(our mascot)

First introduced in 1998, foxi has helped create a friendly and safe environment to help show our openness on advancing the future to the present, just like a present would!

You will see her around a number of times if you live in c2 through holograms, holonature, advertisements, and on many cyberfox products. and, a Foxi mascot can be seen wandering around cyberfox center in the cyberplaza, so Don’t be afraid to stop by, say hi, and take a photo!